Together with my team of healers in the unseen realms, we affect healing to your star/light body, your celestial body and to your Source body, spanning lifetimes and other dimensions of time and space. During the session I hold a high vibrational field of connection and healing. Your healing is offered through visual meditation and journeying which is the means in which I guide and support you. You are always a part of the process and on some level can then both understand and integrate what has been done and what changes or healing you may be asked to initiate at this time in this incarnation.
This work may involve removal of foreign energy bodies, alien implants and lower vibratory entities. It may also require curse removal, ancestral clearing and soul retrieval as well as heart activations and DNA upgrades, to name examples. You may encounter memories from other lifetimes and may well also connect with your highest self, guides and light filled beings who assist you during these lifetimes. The work is done and performed in the context of my healing room and the fee for a 90 minute session is R3300.
I do not accept everyone for this healing, you will need to be both prepared and ready. On requesting a booking you will be asked to complete an application form after which you will be notified of whether your application to book has been accepted.
I hold a high vibrational field during the healing and as an individual I value integrity and professionalism. Your journey is one which will provide healing and support to your spiritual evolution and will assist with a deeper soul emboudme t. This journey is not taken lightly and you will be asked about your beliefs and healing to this point. Not all clients will be able to proceed with a booking as I am guided by my spiritual support team to determine if and when a client is ready. If you still wish to receive healing but are not yet ready for an in perisn session then I suggest a remote healing or online session in which your soul will be offers the healing necessary at this point in your evolution and guidance to assist with transformation and spiritual development.
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